Looking for a rental home ?
The Tar River/University Neighborhood Association offers the following Recommended Landlords List
The landlords listed below manage rental properties in the TRUNA neighborhood. They are included here because their present and former tenants, neighbors and the TRUNA board, have recommended them. These landlords maintain their properties in a superior manner, communicate quickly and clearly with their tenants and contribute to the beauty, safety and integrity of the TRUNA neighborhood. If you are looking for a home to rent and want an above average experience, we recommend calling these landlords.
We recommend these landlords to anyone considering moving to the Tar River/University Neighborhood.
Mr. Jeff Tant - 252-327-4433
Mr. Drew Bennett - 516-695-6551
Dr. Robert Dietrich - 252-347-6101
Dr. Graham Lashley - Czechtrader@mac.com