Welcome to the Tar River/University Neighborhood Association (TRUNA). Our neighborhood is located adjacent to the campus of East Carolina University and Downtown Greenville, North Carolina. We are proud to be located near the urban core of the city while also having access to the Greenville Greenway system.
The TRUNA area is bounded by the Tar River on the north, Cemetery Road on the east, Tenth Street on the south, and Reade Circle on the west. We advocate for our neighbors and love our community.
You can learn more about TRUNA membership for households and business sponsorships by clicking here.
TRUNA is led by a group of dedicated residents who serve as volunteers. As an active neighborhood association, TRUNA serves and promotes the neighborhood through its various activities.
2025 Officers
President: Ann Maxwell
Vice President: Jon Wacker
Secretary: Hap Maxwell
Treasurer: Mary Ava Johnson
2025 Committee Chairs
Social Committee Co-Chairs: Susan Daughtry and Sim Asher
Communications Chair and Newsletter Editor: Israel Mueller
Beautification Committee: Ray Mattingly
Promotion of Owner Occupancy Co-Chairs: Jon Wacker and Cass Wigent
Decorating for TRUNA Events Chair: Jane Lawrence
2025 At-Large Board Members
Jorge Abdallah
Jack Robertson (Cypress Glen)
Josh Gardner
Susan Hall
Bill Redding
Andrea Pike
Melissa Adamson
The Objectives of this Corporation shall be:
The preservation of the Tar River / University Neighborhood as a safe, healthy, pleasant, and attractive residential community for families and individuals of all means, races, religions, and national origins;
The improvement of the Tar River / University Neighborhood through the attainment of better public services;
The maintenance of real estate values in the Tar River / University Neighborhood in reasonable relation to the values of real estate in the City of Greenville, North Carolina as a whole; and,
The encouragement of friendship and a sense of community and neighborliness among residents of the Tar River / University Neighborhood.
The Function of this Corporation shall be:
To serve as a forum for the identification, discussion, analysis, and solution of neighborhood problems;
To serve as a forum for the development of consensus on issues of neighborhood interest and concern;
To serve as a vehicle for the communication of neighborhood consensus to various levels of government, governmental agencies, institutions, individuals, and real estate developers on issues of neighborhood interest and concern;
To plan organize, develop and/or implement activities which achieve the objectives of the Corporation;
To cooperate and participate with any public, private, proprietary or charitable agency, institution or enterprise with mutual objectives;
To establish, cooperate, be a part of, and participate in any plan, grant, allowance, right or program under the provision of any Federal, State, County, or City statute, regulation, or ordinance;
To promote innovative approaches to neighborhood problems; and,
To be organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as the same maybe amended.
View a copy of our Organizational Bylaws by clicking here.